Data Centers and Cloud Solutions 2017-02-15T00:01:40-07:00

Data Centers and Cloud Solutions

What We Bring

  • Subject matter expertise in data center and cloud services
  • Optimized vendor proposals matched to your requirements
  • Validated candidate claims through detailed site inspections

What We Do

  • Capture your requirements in business, operational, and technical dimensions
  • Identify the best solution to meet your requirements
  • Plan and manage your migrations to new facilities and platforms

What You Get

  • Fully-auditable documentation of all requirements and decisions
  • Optimized expense profile covering capital and operating costs
  • Detailed documentation of schedules, designs, and as-builts

Areas of Expertise

  • Data center construction and resilience
  • Application and operating system migration
  • Information security and protection

The data center landscape is nearing the end of its first major development since companies began building and leasing data center facilities. Many clients are investigating or migrating to “as a service” models, in which a third party manages and maintains the underlying facility and technology. The process for deciding what technology services are appropriate for migration to which model can be quite complex, and OnStream can help you in navigating to a successful outcome.

After decisions are made and products are chosen, an organization must migrate their present services to the new platform or platforms. Data center migrations to like hardware require detailed planning for the move, operating process changes, and financial practice updates. Data center evolutions to new models add increased complexity to each of those dimensions. OnStream migration experts have led successful projects for “too big to fail” banks and 25-person web companies, and every niche in between. We know the ins and outs, and our learning is at your disposal.

  • We work with you to understand your current environment
  • We lead or execute on additional discovery efforts
  • We identify the technological endpoints, based on your existing or new strategic decisions
  • We find the right candidates to provide each of the services you need, in a transparent, objective, and auditable fashion
  • We assist you in writing deals and contracts that protect your interests for the duration of the term
  • We lead or execute detailed migration planning efforts, including creation of dependency chain and tree diagrams
  • We lead or execute the creation of run books for operation of the migration efforts
  • We lead or execute updates to your existing operating processes, and the creation of new processes as required
  • We oversee and execute your migrations according to the plans, ready for any last minute conditions that will impact our delivery
  • We ensure that you have complete documentation of all operating procedures and decisions, enabling you to run your business effectively and satisfy all managerial, regulatory, and audit requirements