Product Selection and Technology Consulting 2017-02-15T00:04:56-07:00

Product Selection and Technology Consulting

What We Bring

  • Subject matter expertise through the physical and logical stacks
  • Real world experience in tailoring and operating selection processes
  • Trusted advice on appropriate technologies and platforms

What We Do

  • Understand your requirements in business, operational, and technical dimensions
  • Build a clear definition of success and measure proposals against it
  • Execute your technology goals filling in resource availability gaps

What You Get

  • Fully-auditable documentation of all requirements, decisions, and configurations
  • Workshops and demonstrations of products to meet your goals
  • Worry-free solution execution freeing you to run your business

Areas of Expertise

  • Objective product selection
  • Doman expertise in all areas of technology
  • Seamless team integration

The foundation of a good technology implementation is a clear definition of project requirements, and a realistic method of measuring potential solutions against those requirements. OnStream selection experts have built complex, multidimensional requirements matrices that assign weights to scorers as well as questions, and streamlined models with a few high-level categories. We pride ourselves in our ability to determine what level of complexity is required by the project and your organization, and creating a process that’s easy to understand regardless of how complex it is behind the scenes. We prevent delays from missed requirements by helping you make sure that the decision covers all areas, and that all of the right people are engaged at the right level.

  • We work with you to understand your current environment
  • We document and work within your existing governance frameworks
  • We provide decision processes where you need them
  • We develop objective selection criteria and assign importance to each in a way that fits your environment
  • We find the right candidates to provide each of the services you need, in a transparent, objective, and auditable fashion
  • We lead or execute updates to your existing operating processes, and the creation of new processes as required
  • We ensure that you have complete documentation of all operating procedures and decisions, enabling you to run your business effectively and satisfy all managerial, regulatory, and audit requirements

Once the technology selection is complete, OnStream will stay by your side, augmenting your staff or providing a complete operation as your circumstances demand. We have subject matter experts across all areas of the physical and logical space, including:

  • Physical equipment room and office space layouts
  • Low-voltage cabling and installation
  • Wireless technologies
  • Core LAN technologies
  • Carrier services
  • Application development
  • Application management
  • Help desk operations

We will work with you to define the project that satisfies your requirements, and we bring the agility to augment or reduce our staffing model as your needs evolve through the life of the project.