Smart Cities and Intelligent Infrastructure 2017-02-14T23:45:54-07:00

Smart Cities and Intelligent Infrastructure

What We Bring

  • Subject matter expertise in infrastructure and integration
  • Broad experience in large-scale fit-outs
  • Forward thinking about how to support the unknown

What We Do

  • Engage with your team of stakeholders and owners
  • Understand your goals and challenges
  • Clarify your vision of future needs

What You Get

  • Value-conscious designs getting the most technology for your dollar
  • Reduced operational expenses through efficient systems and selections
  • Expanded revenue opportunities from tenant and third party systems

Areas of Expertise

  • Historical and current technology trends
  • Financial management and projections
  • Building management systems and integration

Technology is your first tenant, and it’s never moving out. OnStream understands the infrastructure supporting your IT services, through the logical and physical layers. At OnStream, our smart city vision engineers have experience defining short- and long-term technology plans and the physical infrastructure required to deliver them. We know the best ways to bring existing technologies together for the ideal end user experience, and we know how to ensure that the foundations of your services will support what’s coming next.

Smart infrastructure is exciting from the landlord and the tenant side. We understand how to plan and build systems that bring value to all the participants. Owners will realize the optimized operating expenses a well-designed infrastructure brings, and the expanded revenue streams available from all tenant types as well as third parties. Users will see the best that technology can do for them, as retailers, corporate tenants, residents, or guests. A system is most efficient when its operators all follow the same playbook; and we will help you to build your support and sales processes in parallel with your infrastructure systems.

Our vision engineers work with your managers, staff, and consultants to devise the platform appropriate for your immediate and future needs.

  • We work with you to document a clear list of end user functions
  • We develop your requirements in formats understandable to consultants and engineers
  • We optimize your cost effectiveness, working with your finance teams to build budgets and revenue models
  • We enable you to stay at the management level by coordinating between installation contractors and vendors
  • We plan for infrastructure that supports generations of tenants
  • We build systems for collecting valuable demographic data
  • We design security-minded systems, protecting the safety and assets of your organization, staff, tenants, and guests
  • We design systems that inspire in your user community enthusiasm that will expand the reach of your marketing